Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to
success when they gave up.
— Thomas Edison


When a dispute arises, whether internal or external, David can provide the legal support your business needs. 

Sometimes, as businesses grow, prior agreements become outdated or incomplete, leading to internal disputes.  David can provide your business with the professional help needed to work through these internal disagreements, creating new contracts which better serve your business in it's current state. 

Sometimes, issues with your business arise when an employee leaves, contracts are breached, or an insurance claim is needed.  In any of these situations, David will be your biggest advocate, fighting on the behalf of you and your business.

David is committed to working with you to resolve business issues and disputes.

  • Breach of contract litigation
  • Commercial litigation
  • Contract risk assessment
  • Insurance claims or disputes
  • Internal affairs and disputes
  • Partnership disputes
  • Review of existing client contracts
  • Review of existing employment contracts