A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future.
Let us strive to enhance their capacity to support themselves for as long as possible and, when they cannot do so anymore, to care for them.
— Nelson Mandela

Elder Abuse and Neglect

It is unfortunate and disturbing when an instance of elder abuse or neglect takes place.  As individuals age, they often cannot take care of themselves, and they must trust and rely on others to do what they once could do for themselves.  

Occurrences of elder abuse and neglect continue to grown as the demographics of the US population continues to shift, with more people living longer.  Abuse and neglect come in all shapes and sizes, but what does not differ from case to case is that the victim never deserves it, and should never have been subject to it.   

While at the Rhode Island Attorney General's office, David spent time prosecuting elder abuse and neglect cases.  These cases ranged from physical abuse and neglect to monetary abuse.  He learned how truly vulnerable the elderly are and how terrible the people who take advantage of elderly can be.  He quickly realized that abuse and neglect does not only happen in care facilities, and that it often happens at home, at the hands of a caretaker or even a family member.  Elder abuse and neglect can so many different shapes; a neighbor coercing  an elderly 'friend' to give them money for a vacation; a public adjustor taking advantage of a distraught elderly individual whose home just burned in a fire, medication not being given, or even a son or daughter asking for money to make an 'in-law apartment' and then never moving their parent in.   

If you believe you are being taken advantage of monetarily or are being physically abused or neglected, please reach out.  If you believe you know someone you know or love, has been abused, or taken advantage of, in any way, please reach out. 

David is here to help, and can assess whether there is a criminal or civil case, and advise on next steps.  

David is here to help guide you through this difficult and emotional time helping with:

  • Physical or verbal abuse
  • Physical neglect
  • Medical neglect
  • Undue influence
  • Money stolen
  • Coercing elderly to give gifts
  • Scams involving elderly
  • Fraud involving elderly
  • Contracts forced on elderly