There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.
— Winston S. Churchill

Equine Legal Support

David truly understands the deep connection horses have with their “humans”; their owners, their trainers, their boarders and everyone else who is fortunate enough to work with them.  Each relationship is unique, each animal has their own personality. 

David is excited to help horse owners and Equine Service providers alike.

Using his legal know-how and marrying it with his love for animals his practice’ focuses in; contract creation, dispute settlement and Estate Planning.  David is able to provide Equine owners and service providers with top notch legal services and a lawyer who truly cares.

Whether it’s long term planning to include your beloved horse or creating contracts for a board and train facility, David is committed to helping you ensure all the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed when it comes to dealing with all things within the Equine Community.

David is committed to providing equine lovers what they need.

  • Expansive Trusts to include your equine friend
  • Estate plans with charitable donations to equine/animal groups


  • Contracts for horse purchasing
  • Contracts for breeding
  • Contracts for board and train
  • Creating or advising on any contracts between you and a third party


  • Advising on regulations governing equine medical practices
  • Custody dispute defense work