If by my life or my death I can protect you, I will.
— J.R.R. Tolkien

Estate Planning for New Parents

David truly feels that soon to be and new parents should add "estate planning" to the top of their to-do list

David is committed to making sure parents understand the importance of Estate Planning and educating on the risks if you don't have one.  Leaving assets to your children is usually what comes to mind when a parent thinks about Wills and Trusts.  While this is an important piece, David is keen on having new parents engage in Estate Planning for a very different reason.  

For new parents, he's most concerned with ensuring a guardian for minor children is named,.  Therefore if parents were to become incapacitated or pass away, there would be no question as to who your child should reside with.

David also feels that getting a Financial Power of Attorney executed is key in this situation.  If you, as parents, ever become incapacitated, this important estate document would allow your financial affairs to continue on, allowing your child to be properly taken care of.

For parents, this topic can be scary and uncomfortable.  David will help walk you through the process and ease your concerns by providing important information and insight. 

David can help new parents with all of their estate planning needs :

  • Wills: naming guardian for minor child (children)
  • Wills: passing money to your child (children)
  • Wills: passing money for the care of your child (children)
  • Wills: setting up language (testamentary trust) to protect inheritance until a child (children) are of a defined age


  • Trust: naming guardian for minor child (children)
  • Trust: passing money to your child (children)
  • Trust: passing money for the care of your child (children)
  • Trust: leaving housing for your child (children)


  • Power of Attorney
  • Durable Financial Power of Attorney
  • Medical Power of Attorney
  • Living Will
  • HIPAA Release
  • Final Disposition
  • Medical Power of Attorney