PC: Daniela Ponte (David with his Grandfather)

PC: Daniela Ponte (David with his Grandfather)

The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
— John F. Kennedy [State of the Union Address Jan. 11, 1962]

Estate Planning for Baby Boomers

David is committed to treating you and your loved ones feel like family.  His wide range of legal services can take you from the first steps of creating a will, estate plan, or Medicaid plan, all the way through Probate.

Over the span of your lifetime, you have worked hard to reach your goals. Along the way, you may have acquired a house, a car, and saved money for the future.  These are just a few examples of the property and personal assets you will want to protect and pass down.

Just as important, you'll need to make sure you have the correct individuals lined up to help you make health care and financial decisions, in your best interest, if you are no longer able to make them on your own.

Through the use of different legal tools and some detailed discussions, David will help create the best comprehensive plan for your future.  You'll be in control of your estate as you work through important decision points.  David will work to explain and educate his clients, with the end goal of minimizing estate tax, avoiding ligation,  carrying out end of life wishes, and passing assets as intended.

David can also help create these plans for your aging parents.  As the guardian for some of this elderly clients, David understands the struggles you may be facing.  His patient and clam demeanor, in the fact of what might be a challenging situation, will allow David to help guide important decisions between you and your parents.  David can help you work through these difficult discussion to create the best option and plan for your parents to ensure that their health care and financial wishes are able to be excuted.   

For individuals or loved ones who are more comfortable at home, David is happy to make 'house calls' in the Providence, Rhode Island area.

David is committed to treating you like family.

  • Durable Financial Power of Attorney
  • Health Care Power of Attorney
  • Living Will
  • HIPAA Release
  • Final Disposition
  • Instructions for Burial & Services


  • Probate Administration
  • Trust Administration
  • Will Creation
  • Estate Planning
  • Trust Creation
  • Transfer of Assets to a Trust
  • Trust Funding
  • Pour-Over Will
  • Revocable Living Trust
  • Estate Tax Minimization
  • Irrevocable Trust
  • Medicaid and Long Term Planning