Consumer Protection- Hotel Scams- "Free" WiFi Connections

Traveling this Holiday Season or have loved ones who are?

Staying in a hotel? Be sure to stay safe by keeping yourself safe from some hotel scams....

Hotel Scam: "Free" WiFi Connections

Nobody enjoys paying for wireless internet access at their hotels. This makes the "Free Wi-Fi" hotspot popup even more tempting for travelers who want access to the outside world.

However, wireless internet "skimming" is a new and growing hotel scam that targets travelers with the promise of free internet access. Common in public areas of the hotel, the scam works by setting up a "free" internet hotspot, often named "Free Wi-Fi" or something similar.

Though the internet connection will be free to access, the data can route through several points - including a scam artist's computer. Because the hotel scam artist is controlling the connection, they can collect all the data a traveler transmits.
This can include (but is not limited to) websites, usernames, and any passwords used during the session.

Before connecting to a network, make sure that the hotel network is a secure connection. Many secured offer a two-step verification process, and require travelers to hold a password or other form of identification. Other secure networks will usually have the name of the property or hotel chain in the network ID, and will advertise their wireless network on printed materials. Be sure to ask which is the preferred network at your hotel, and how to access it once on property.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and safe over the new year!


