WHEN should you create/update your Estate Plan?

When is the right time to do my first Will or Estate Plan? When should I update my Estate Plan?

I often get asked these questions or similar questions. ...

A Will and/or an Estate Plan is something everyone knows they should have. But, often people are unsure of when the time is right to do their first Plan.

Sometimes, I'll see people knowing they need an Estate Plan or need to update their Estate Plan, but it is one of those tasks that is easy to push off and say “I’ll get to creating/updating it next month”.

I always suggest using “life changing events” as key indicators that you should review or address your Estate Plan. These changes could be the flag to you to get your first Estate Plan done or the key indicator that your plan might need a refresh.
I put together this easy handout to share with all of you. It helps layout the “when” of when you should update/create your Will and/or Trust as well as Powers of Attorneys.

If you’d like to request a PDF version to print and share, please feel free to email me: davidcraven@dcravenlaw.com.

If you are located in Rhode Island and it’s time to address your Estate Plan, please feel free to contact me. One of the areas of law I focus on is Estate Planning, and I’d be honored to help you.