Estate Planning for New Parents

I have been a bit quiet lately. I have been working hard, in the new year, to update some pieces of my website.

I'll be sharing them with all of you in the next few weeks.

I'm hoping that with these new additions I can provide my clients, friends, and the general public more information surrounding important legal topics AND the process of working with a lawyer.

I'm happy to share one of my new website pages- Estate Planning for New Parents. I hope the new and soon to be parents find it helpful and educational.

If you are a new or soon to be parent, do not hesitate to contact me for your estate planning needs. It is one of the areas of law I am most passionate about as these legal documents are so important for you and your child/children.

Thanks for the use of this beautiful photo to:
Kendall Pavan Photography for her talented photography work (
and of course, my two very good friends pictured here- Katie Parise Neves & Carlos Neves