
Rhode Island Paralegal Association- Presentation Animals & Law

Excited to be presenting to Rhode Island Paralegal Association this evening (NOV 20) on Part 1 of my Animals and Law series.

Tonight’s topic;
“Estate Planning and Animals”

Thank you to Hackman & Phillips Elder Law RI LLC for hosting this presentation.

Part 2 will be in January and will focused on;
“Animals in Legal Battles and Animals & Business”.

If you’d like to learn more about either presentation, please feel free to reach out to me:
Ashley Miner;


Estate Planning for Baby Boomers

Another new page on my website ready for you all.

This one is for you “Baby Boomers” and your Estate Planning needs.

It aims to provide helpful information for individuals looking to plan their own Estate AND help provide information regarding elderly parents or family members.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am passionate about this area of law and ready to help you, your family, and friends get their Estate in order, in Rhode Island.

The star of this page, and the picture below, is none other than my own grandfather.

My grandfather passed a few years back, but before he did, I was fortunate enough to help him draw up his important legal documents- A Will, Powers of Attorneys and other necessary health care documents.

He was one of my first "Estate Clients". He is one of the reasons I choose to focus on Estate Planning in my legal career.

The process of working with him my grandfather through his decisions, listening to his stories, and truly understanding his wishes, allowed me to connect with him on a very deep level.

This part of the process is one of the steps I enjoy the most, when working with each and everyone of my Estate clients. I get to learn about them and truly understand their intentions and concerns.

In preparing these documents for my Grandfather, that is, laying out his “legal plan”, I was not only able to bring him comfort during a difficult time, but also later, help my family through an already stressful time. They didn't have to worry about "not having the authority to make that decision" or "having to follow intestacy laws since he didn't have will". We had all the documents, properly executed.

I strive to bring this level of comfort to each and every one of my clients AND their families.

Estate Planning for New Parents

I have been a bit quiet lately. I have been working hard, in the new year, to update some pieces of my website.

I'll be sharing them with all of you in the next few weeks.

I'm hoping that with these new additions I can provide my clients, friends, and the general public more information surrounding important legal topics AND the process of working with a lawyer.

I'm happy to share one of my new website pages- Estate Planning for New Parents. I hope the new and soon to be parents find it helpful and educational.

If you are a new or soon to be parent, do not hesitate to contact me for your estate planning needs. It is one of the areas of law I am most passionate about as these legal documents are so important for you and your child/children.

Thanks for the use of this beautiful photo to:
Kendall Pavan Photography for her talented photography work (
and of course, my two very good friends pictured here- Katie Parise Neves & Carlos Neves

Wills & Trusts- New Child

Legal IQ Tips: Estate Planning

Have a new child?

If you have a Will, it’s time to update it. If you don’t, it’s time to get one.

I always advise new parents that it’s important to get a proper estate plan documented.

In Rhode Island, if both parents are to pass away, or become incapacitated rendering them no longer able to care for their child, the child would be left “guardian-less”. Laws here do not automatically govern who the child’s guardians would be.

What that means is that whomever would want to become the child’s guardian would need to go to court and petition for legal guardianship. For example, if the maternal grandparents wanted to become the legal guardians, they’d have to file with the court. That is a long, expensive and emotionally draining process.

Even scarier there is no guarantee that the maternal grandparents would be awarded legal custody. Think of the situation where the family and child lives in RI and attends RI schools, with the maternal grandparents living in Maine. The judge may rule that it is in the best interest of the child to stay in RI with the schools and friends they are accustomed to, and therefore the child needs to stay with another family member.

Now, mix in a possible custody battle between two siblings, step grandparents, or maternal and paternal grandparents. You can see how this can all get very messy and expensive.

The simple solution, is for the parents to make a plan beforehand and document this in their estate plan.

If you are a new parent in RI and are interested in making your estate plan, please feel free to reach out to me. Wills & Estates is an area of law I focus my Providence based practice in.

Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving.
