

Today was stressful, to say the least.

As I sit down to finally eat my dinner, I can now breathe a sigh of relief and reflect.

Today, my clients taught me to always engage in self reflection, not to blame others, and always practice gratitude.

Today, I helped my clients get back a large sum of money.

This money was their final payment, to buy a home in FL. These clients did everything right, but fell victim to a wire fraud as scammers had hacked email accounts. The first two down-payments wired without a hitch, it was this final sum (the entire purchase price), that was fraudulently transferred. What was supposed to be a happy and exciting time, turned quickly into a disaster.

Luckily, after hours of phone calls, and with the aid of both US banks and the South Kingstown Police, we were able get the money back.

Tonight, my clients are relieved.

As I reflect on the situation, I can't help but think about how calm my clients were. They were grateful for everything myself and the police were doing for them. Never once did they blame others, never once did they fly off the handle about the hackers. Rather they engaged in self-reflection and tried to assess where they went wrong.

They were grateful, they were appreciative and they practiced self-reflection- I only hope that I can practice law and live my life in a similar fashion to how my clients acted today.