holiday scams

Consumer Protection- Hotel Scams- Fake Food Delivery

Traveling this Holiday Season or have loved ones who are? Staying in a hotel? Be sure to stay safe by keeping yourself safe from some hotel scams.

Hotel Scam: Fake Food Delivery

It's not uncommon to find a number of menus in any given hotel room offering local dining options. When it seems like even waiters are out to target travelers, dining in can feel like a very tempting option. Although the menu and phone number look authentic, travelers could end up ordering from a restaurant that doesn't exist at all.

Here's how the hotel scam works: the scam artist creates and prints realistic food menu. Once created, the documents are slid underneath the doors of hotel rooms, inviting guests to place an order.

During the call, travelers are often asked to pay with their credit card. In the end, the food never comes, and the scam artists get away with the guest's credit card information.

Before deciding to order from a hotel room menu, make sure the restaurant actually exists. A simple internet search of restaurants in the area of the hotel will yield plenty of dining options.

Always ask the front desk for restaurant recommendations.

More Hotel Scams to come to help keep you safe over this Holiday Season.
