
Alzheimer’s and Dementia are not the same thing!

Did you know; Alzheimer’s and Dementia are not the same thing?

Here’s some information you may find helpful if you are taking care of a loved one, friend, or person who is experiencing memory issues.

In my field, understanding someone’s competency is a large discussion when we embark on getting Estate documents and Power of Attorney documents in order.

My advice, the sooner you get important legal documents done, the better! That way, competency isn’t an issue we have to spend much time on.

Happy to help if your are in RI.

Read the full article from by CLICKING HERE


Memory Loss? Dementia? Alzheimers? SAGE TEST

I regularly work with clients who are helping their elderly parents, family members, or loved ones.

I often hear concerns about memory loss.....they wonder if their loved one is showing signs of dementia or Alzheimers.... or...... are the memory issues “just signs of getting older”.

I wanted to share this at home test with you all. It might be helpful to some of you.

As the article indicates; discuss the test results with your loved one’s doctor and try hard not to “self diagnose”. There’s additional testing a medical professional can do if there does seem to be an indication of one of these diseases, and early intervention is key.

Check out this great article from

CLICK HERE to read the full article


Consumer Protection-Hotel Scam: Fake Front Desk Charge

Traveling this Holiday Season or have loved ones who are? Staying in a hotel? Be sure to stay safe by keeping yourself safe from some hotel scams.


Hotel Scam: Fake Front Desk Charge

Many high quality hotels are trained to make a phone call to travelers rooms 15 minutes after checking in, just to make sure that their accommodations are perfect. But smart hotel scam artists know that a traveler with their guard down can be taken advantage of easily through the simple "courtesy call."

Although it's becoming less common, the front desk call scam can still be a problem - especially in developing parts in the world. It starts when a traveler gets a phone call in their room from someone claiming to be at the hotel's front desk. Often times, they will claim that the credit card hold was declined, and they need to re-verify their payment method. As a convenience, they can take credit card information over the phone, so as not to bother the traveler.

A real hotel staff member will never ask for credit card information over the phone. Those who receive a phone call about a credit card problem should never give the calling party any information, as this is a sign of the front desk hotel scam. Instead, always offer to come down to the front desk to sort it out.

If the caller insists that it must be taken care of immediately, then simply hang up, and contact the hotel front desk to report the incident.


One more Hotel Scams to come to help keep you safe over this Holiday Season.

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