New Child Series (7 of 7): Back at Work

This is the last post on my series dedicated to my new and soon to be parents out there. This one focuses on two 'legal things' you need to be aware of once you are back at work. There are laws in place to protect mothers and fathers. It’s important you understand your rights so you are aware if you are being unfairly treated or not properly accommodated.


As a parent returning to work, there are lots of things you will worry about. One thing you shouldn’t have to worry about is discrimination or unfair practices in your work place. There are laws in place to protect you from unfair discrimination. Below are some examples of items that would be considered discrimination based on family responsibilities:

-Firing or demoting employees when they become pregnant;

-Passing over highly qualified mothers for hire or promotion in favor of less qualified fathers or women without children;

-Firing employees without valid business reasons when they return from maternity or paternity leave;

-Denying flexibility to employees who want it for child care reasons, while allowing flexibility to employees for non-family reasons (e.g., to participate on a sports team);

-Firing employees whose spouses or elderly parents become disabled for fear of increased absenteeism or higher health insurance premiums;

-Fabricating work infractions or performance deficiencies to justify dismissal of employees with family responsibilities.


As a mother returning to work, there are also laws that protect your right to express breast milk while at work. You should be sure that proper accommodations are made for you. It’s often the smaller companies who have a hard time implementing these basic standards as often there may only be one or two nursing mothers working there.

The federal laws indicate that at a minimum:
-Employers are to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express the milk (Section 7 of the Federal Labor Standards Act)

-Employers are also required to provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk

- That the frequency of breaks needed to express milk as well as the duration of each break will likely vary.

-That a bathroom, even if private, is not a permissible location under the Act. The location provided must be functional as a space for expressing breast milk. If the space is not dedicated to the nursing mother’s use, it must be available when needed in order to meet the statutory requirement. A space temporarily created or converted into a space for expressing milk or made available when needed by the nursing mother is sufficient, provided that the space is shielded from view, and free from any intrusion from co-workers and the public.

-Employers are not required under the FLSA to compensate nursing mothers for breaks taken for the purpose of expressing milk. However, where employers already provide compensated breaks, an employee who uses that break time to express milk must be compensated in the same way that other employees are compensated for break time

As a nursing mother you may want to carry the below card with you. It summarizes your nursing rights :…/FLSAEmplo…/BreaktimeNursingMothers.pdf

As always, state laws are different depending on the state, below is what RI and some of our neighboring state require. I included CA as they seem to be one of the most progressive states on this matter.

Rhode Island - Employers are required to make reasonable efforts to provide a private, secure and sanitary place close to an employee's work area, other than a toilet stall, where an employee can express milk or breastfeed. This applies to all employers.

Massachusetts - No specific law at the state level. They just refer to federal law.

Connecticut - An employee has the right to express milk or breastfeed during her meal or break time. It is illegal to discriminate against or discipline an employee for exercising this right. The employer must make reasonable efforts to provide employees with a private space close to their work area, other than a toilet stall or bathroom, to express breast milk, unless doing so would impose significant difficulty or expense on the employer.

California - An employer must provide reasonable unpaid break time to a woman to express breast milk, unless doing so would seriously disrupt the employer's business. If possible, the break time must occur during the employee's ordinary break time. The employer must make a reasonable effort to provide the mother with a private space close to her work area, other than a bathroom, to express breast milk……strong law protecting mothers


If you believe you have been victim to discrimination at your work place based on family responsibilities or have not been provided the accommodations to express breast milk at work, you should contact your internal HR representative. If you don’t get anywhere internally, you should seek help from a legal professional. The reason these laws exist is to protect you.

I’ll be changing gears on my next posts, but if you have any questions regarding preparing for your new child, once your child arrives or back at work dynamics, don’t hesitate to reach out.


New Child Series (6 of 7): Health Insurance & Rights to Nurse in Public

Legal IQ Tips: Consumer Protection, Contracts & Estate Planning

Some more on my series dedicated to my new and soon to be parents out there. This one focuses on the last two 'legal things' you need to be aware of once your baby arrives.


Now that your little one has arrived, you want to be sure your health insurance is updated to the family plan. This "life event" will allow you to change your plan. As noted in my "planning post" ( you may want to take a good hard look at your actual plan to see if you want to adjust coverage and plans now that your family has grown.

Beyond plan change, you need to make sure your new boy or girl is added to your plan. It's imperative you get this information over ASAP as you'll want to be sure your new child is covered. Each insurance company and plan is different and it’s best you contact them directly to see how to send in the information.


For all my moms out there, this topic is so important for you to be informed about. The US is actually pretty progressive with their rights, as compared to some countries where women still struggle for equal rights and protections under the law. When your traveling, be sure you know the laws of the country your headed to.

Just like with all laws, there are federal and state statutes which dictate the laws around nursing. While there isn’t anything on the books federally for public nursing, federal laws do cover standards in the work place (my next post). Breastfeeding in public is covered by state specific laws.

The law explicitly protects moms, who are breastfeeding, in public, in almost ALL of the 50 states.

Forty-nine states (Idaho is the only State that doesn’t have a law protecting mothers) as well as the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in ANY public or private location. What this means is that a woman breastfeeding in public; cannot be asked to “cover-up”, be discriminated against in any way, or charged with indecent exposure.

In RI the law states that a woman is allowed to feed her child, by bottle or breast, in any place open to the public. RI goes one step further and allows a mother to sue if this right is denied. RI is one of the few states where a mother can actually sue if they are discriminated against for breastfeeding in public.

Twenty-nine states as well as the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws. This means that moms who nurse in public cannot be criminally charged with indecent exposure. In the other states, there isn’t anything specifically on the books stating that mothers cannot be charged with indecent exposure, but, a mother has never been prosecuted on that matter.

Seventeen states and Puerto Rico exempt breastfeeding mothers from jury duty or allow jury service to be postponed.

Six states and Puerto Rico have implemented or encouraged the development of a breastfeeding awareness education campaign.

As always, if you have questions, feel free to contact me.
Last post in this series will focus on back to work- nursing rights and discrimination.


Today was stressful, to say the least.

As I sit down to finally eat my dinner, I can now breathe a sigh of relief and reflect.

Today, my clients taught me to always engage in self reflection, not to blame others, and always practice gratitude.

Today, I helped my clients get back a large sum of money.

This money was their final payment, to buy a home in FL. These clients did everything right, but fell victim to a wire fraud as scammers had hacked email accounts. The first two down-payments wired without a hitch, it was this final sum (the entire purchase price), that was fraudulently transferred. What was supposed to be a happy and exciting time, turned quickly into a disaster.

Luckily, after hours of phone calls, and with the aid of both US banks and the South Kingstown Police, we were able get the money back.

Tonight, my clients are relieved.

As I reflect on the situation, I can't help but think about how calm my clients were. They were grateful for everything myself and the police were doing for them. Never once did they blame others, never once did they fly off the handle about the hackers. Rather they engaged in self-reflection and tried to assess where they went wrong.

They were grateful, they were appreciative and they practiced self-reflection- I only hope that I can practice law and live my life in a similar fashion to how my clients acted today.

Series on "Protecting Your Organization" for RI Animal Advocay Non Profits

Today I'm headed back to the RISPCA for my last presentation on "Protecting Your Organization" for Non-Profit Animal Advocacy Organizations.

It's been a please presenting to 15 different organizations over the past 4 sessions. We have touched on a variety of legal and operational topics that will allow these organization to better protect themselves.

I'll finish off today, by presenting on the theory of negligence and touch on some RI laws. I'll educate on this information and highlighting how programs, processes and policies can minimize negligence.

Thanks to my all of my attendees- It has been a pleasure seeing so many familiar faces, getting to know new individuals and learning about everything you do.

UnShelter Me
Handsome Dan
Ocean State Animal Coalition
Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (RISPCA)
The Boxer Rescue, Inc.
Potter League for Animals
Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue, Inc.
The Abandoned Dogs of RI
Friends of Homeless Animals, INC of RI
Little Rhody Rescue and Quarantine Inc. Massachusetts Feline Intervention Alliance, Inc.
Save One Soul Animal Rescue League
Almost Home Rescue
Friends of Central Falls Animals

If you are ever in the market for a new best friend, whatever type of animal it might be, be sure to check out ANY of those great animal advocacy groups.

Finally, a big THANK YOU to the RISPCA for the use of their facility and Jen Reynolds for coordinating.

I'm glad to give back, in this small way, to these dedicated groups and people, who are bettering lives for animals of all shapes and sizes.