Potter Leauge for Animals- Heart and Sole Walk

The first Sunday in June, I spent my day down at the Potter League for Animals 2017 Heart & Sole Walk for the Animals.  It was a beautiful day and I had such a fund time meeting so many four legged friends.

I was able to speak with a bunch of people on legal topics involving their animals or animal business!

I chatted with people on:

  • Emotional support animals and service animals regarding the laws that protect them
  • Business contracts related to animal professions
  • Wills and Trusts including people's beloved pets
  • Wrongful injuries to pets during procedures

It was a fun filled day where I got to spread my legal knowledge. But who am I kidding, not only the day great because I got to talk about law and animals.  It was especially great because I found myself playing with dogs all day long. Big or small, old or young, I made a lot of four legged friends that day. 

I'm grateful to be able to combine my love for animals into my practice of law.  My legal service offerings include a variety of services geared towards all animal lovers.  I'm happy to be able to provide legal services on everything from starting up a businesses related to animals, to including pets in Estate plan.

Don't ever hesitate to reach out if you ever need legal help regarding your animal or animal business or if your an animal lover and need legal help.

To learn more about my service offerings that revolve around "all things animals" check out my website page dedicated to this area of my practice: 


And thanks to my buddy, Frankie, for being my side-kick and model.

Home Purchase- Money Wire Scam

I wrote about my clients a few weeks back. They were victims of a wire fraud scam when purchasing their home in Florida, via a wire transfer. While their first 2 payments were received, their last payment, via way of this scam, was sent to the scammer.

Fortunately, we were able to get all of their money back, many others are not as fortunate.

Last night's NBC Nightly News highlighted this exact scam.

Please watch this.

Please pass it along to anyone in the process of purchasing a home. This scam has increased by 480% nation wide. It has cost many unsuspecting buyers


WHEN should you create/update your Estate Plan?

When is the right time to do my first Will or Estate Plan? When should I update my Estate Plan?

I often get asked these questions or similar questions. ...

A Will and/or an Estate Plan is something everyone knows they should have. But, often people are unsure of when the time is right to do their first Plan.

Sometimes, I'll see people knowing they need an Estate Plan or need to update their Estate Plan, but it is one of those tasks that is easy to push off and say “I’ll get to creating/updating it next month”.

I always suggest using “life changing events” as key indicators that you should review or address your Estate Plan. These changes could be the flag to you to get your first Estate Plan done or the key indicator that your plan might need a refresh.
I put together this easy handout to share with all of you. It helps layout the “when” of when you should update/create your Will and/or Trust as well as Powers of Attorneys.

If you’d like to request a PDF version to print and share, please feel free to email me: davidcraven@dcravenlaw.com.

If you are located in Rhode Island and it’s time to address your Estate Plan, please feel free to contact me. One of the areas of law I focus on is Estate Planning, and I’d be honored to help you.

Interstate Animal Transport Presentation


Was a pleasure presenting down at the beautiful Bristol Animal Shelter to a dedicated group of Animal Control Officers from across the state of Rhode Island.

My presentation today focused on interstate transportation of animals into RI. I discussed a recent client of mine and their dealings with a rescue which resulted in a month long custody battle.

Great to see everyone- thanks for the invite!