Legal IQ: “Privacy Please”


A fun one for you this Friday.

Contracts are important legal paperwork that layout the relationship between two parties.  

Contracts dictate how each party should act and good contracts indicate what happens if one of the parties decides not to act in accordance with the agreement.

Sometimes, poor wording may lead to “unintended consequences”, like we have happening with this poor pup. A poorly worded contract has this foster parent “hovering” a bit too much as he just tries to do his job correctly!

Along with estate planning, I focus my practice on contract creation and litigation.  Over the years, I have helped many animal organizations create contracts for their business or their various non-profit programs.  

When working with my clients, I tell them to think of a contract as a document that simply lays out the relationship they intendto have with the other party.

Often my clients will be overwhelmed at the onset of the process as they come in with a misconception that they need to have everything mapped out.  Usually, after just the initial conversation, they come to understand that the process is not all that daunting.  They realize they are already “doing” their contracts in every day life, we are just putting it down on paper, and I am making it legally enforceable for them. We work together to limit my client’s liability, while striking a balance of reality, so that both parties can function as needed. I work through the parameters with my client and then I work on making it legally sound. 

My last note; if you’re ever in the position of being the one to receive or review a contract, and you don’t feel comfortable with certain language; ask! If the explanation is not sufficient or you are still unclear, don’t just sign it. 

Perhaps this contract could have used a little more in the clause related to “oversight and care of the foster dog”!