Legal IQ: “Final Arrangements”


A more serious topic, yes, but an important one.

While working through Estate Plans with clients, I not only talk about how they want their assets divided but also talk about their end of life care and burial wishes.

While it can be an overwhelming topic to think about, I can assure you that each of my clients feel a sense of relief once they make these plans and get them into a legal document.

Loved ones will thank you for preparing these types of documents as it gives them clear direction and information on your wishes and allows your loved ones to have a sense of peace making decisions “on your behalf”.

With your “funeral” and “burial wishes” you can be as creative as you want. There are many options and creative ideas out there that you’re welcome to include if the traditional route doesn’t speak to your essence.

A good Estate Planning Lawyer can talk you through all of this.

If you’re in Rhode Island, I am happy to help.

Elsewhere? Don’t be shy to reach out; I’m happy to find you someone I trust to help you through the process.