Consumer Protection: South Kingstown Senior Center Presentation

Yesterday, I spent the morning down at the South Kingstown Senior Center with Lieutenant Bucco of the South Kingstown Police.  The Lieutenant and I recently worked on a case together, where one of my clients was scammed out of a large sum of money when purchasing a home. 

The South Kingstown Police and myself decided it would be beneficial to the community to present on some of the most prevalent scams we are seeing.  We spent time walking a group of over 20 seniors through the following scams:

- Mortgage Scam- Wire Transfer (read my post: )

-  ATM Skimmers/Skimming Devices (read my post: )  

-  Grandchild in Need Scam (read my post: )

-  IRS Scam ( )

-  Work From Home Scam/Debt Collector Scam (post to come)

-  Utility Scam (post to come)

By educating the Seniors on these scams (which are often targeted at the aging population) we are hoping that they can better identify scam situations and avoid being taken advantage of.  We also hope that they can help spread this information to their friends and family, thereby protecting even more people.

 We will be back down to the Senior Center in about 2 months to touch on some more important scams.  I’ll be sure to educate my Facebook friends on the same information I am sharing with my friends at the Senior Center.