Legal IQ: “Outside the box”


Clients come to me to do their Estate Plans, and have many different intentions.  

Some want to leave money to children, others foundations.  Some want to leave money in trust for their grandchild’s education, or maybe a scholarships fund. 

An Estate Plan can be as specific and personal as the individual wishes. Working one on one with my clients, giving them personal attention, we are able to work out a thorough and thought out plan.

I often hear my clients say, “I don’t have a lot of money but I feel strongly that I donate a little to “abc” organization”.

I always encourage my clients that if they feel strongly to help in this philanthropic way, not to let the “amount” deter them. Every little bit helps these organizations carry out their mission.Sometimes my clients ask for recommendations.  

While I typically stay away from naming organizations, I often help my clients brainstorm and identify charities they feel strongly about.  Often, my client has helped a charity in different ways over their own lifetime, or, it’s something they have always intended to get more involved in to help make positive change. 

Always happy to help. Feel free to reach out at any time, with any questions.